Readings in Database Systems (commonly known as the "Red Book") has offered readers an opinionated take on both classic and cutting-edge research in the field of data management since 1988. Here, we present the Fifth Edition of the Red Book — the first in over ten years.
  1. Preface
  2. Background introduced by Michael Stonebraker
  3. Traditional RDBMS Systems introduced by Michael Stonebraker
  4. Techniques Everyone Should Know introduced by Peter Bailis
  5. New DBMS Architectures introduced by Michael Stonebraker
  6. Large-Scale Dataflow Engines introduced by Peter Bailis
  7. Weak Isolation and Distribution introduced by Peter Bailis
  8. Query Optimization introduced by Joe Hellerstein
  9. Interactive Analytics introduced by Joe Hellerstein
  10. Languages introduced by Joe Hellerstein
  11. Web Data introduced by Peter Bailis
  12. A Biased Take on a Moving Target: Complex Analytics
    by Michael Stonebraker
  13. A Biased Take on a Moving Target: Data Integration
    by Michael Stonebraker
Complete Book: [HTML] [PDF]
Readings Only: [HTML] [PDF]
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